
Why I am NOT Setting New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

Every year I sit down, reflect on the year prior and write out my resolutions for change. While I love the reflection process and goal setting, this year I have decided not to set resolutions or goals. It’s not that I am not growing, but that I am acknowledging I am enough AS IS. Instead of setting plans for the year ahead, I am taking this reflection time to write down affirmations that will guide my mindset and decision making throughout the year.

My Affirmations for 2020

2019 was filled with pain (our miscarriage), growth and the amazing joy of welcoming our son. As we enter 2020, we are still in the throws of adjusting to newborn life, and exploring what balance looks like between our jobs, parenting, our relationships and ourselves. The idea of setting goals or resolutions right now just doesn’t make sense while we’re still adapting and finding our new “normal”.

Top Affirmations for 2020

Personal, professional and family growth will still be focus this year but I am taking the pressure off by not adding specific milestones to my already full plate. Instead I will use the affirmations below to guide me in 2020. Whenever I feel discouraged, overwhelmed or unsure of how to proceed or prioritize, I plan to look back to this post for clarity and direction.

My Affirmations for 2020

1. I am enough

We live in a world focused on being richer, skinnier, more success, etc. What if we just stopped to tell ourselves, “I am enough”? It’s not about stopping self-growth, instead we accept we are whole as is and continue to evolve in peace. In moments where I feel inadequate I will stop and remind myself “I am enough”.

2. I take care of my body because I love it, not because I hate it.

Last year I started the year with this mindset and it helped me all throughout my pregnancy. As I navigate my postpartum journey, this affirmation will be in the forefront of my mind. I plan to exercise and and eat well because I love this miraculous body of mine and I want to keep it strong. If lose the remaining 20 lbs great, but weight loss is not the focus.

3. I am doing the best I can

As women we put so much pressure on ourselves to be the best and do it ALL. The internet sets us up for a deadly comparison game and we continuously come up short. This year, I am repeating this affirmation to remind myself that no matter what happens, I am doing the best I can for myself and my family and that is enough.

4. I allow myself to relax into imperfect moments

One of the biggest lessons I learned through breast cancer and our fertility journey is that life is full of imperfect and uncomfortable moments. The more you fight the pain and discomfort the harder it becomes to process the moments and move on. This affirmation reminds me that acceptance of the imperfect allows for healing and growth.

5. I am the best mom for my son

My Affirmations for 2020

So many of you sent me this affirmation in the first few weeks of motherhood and I knew I needed to keep it for 2020. Everyone has an opinion about parenting and they think they know what’s best your child. In moments of self-doubt, I remind myself that I am the best mom for my son and Mac and I know best!

6. There is no timeline for my healing

It’s been almost 5 years since my breast cancer diagnosis and yet here I am struggling with anxiety as I return to hormone therapy. I continue to progress and accept the new person I am and the ways cancer has impacted my life. The same will be true for my postpartum journey. This affirmation comforts me in my healing and reminds me I have no timeline.

7. Self care isn’t selfish, it’s a necessity.

The first week after Mason arrived, my mom was in town and I went out to get my lashes, hair and nails done. When I left my appointment and thought about my son at home, extreme guilt washed over me. I texted Mac and his response brought me comfort immediately. He told me, taking time for me is essential to being the best mom and partner I can be. This affirmation reminds me that taking time for myself and focusing on self-care is not selfish, it’s a necessity for being healthy mentally and keeping my identify beyond being a mother.

8. 1 step forward, 2 steps back is still progress

My Affirmations for 2020

This affirmation has been a part of my life ever since my breast cancer diagnosis in 2015. So much of cancer treatment and reconstruction process was filled with complications and delays. It was easy to feel like the setbacks completely derailed my progress but by changing my mindset surrounding progress I was able to better accept the pace of my recovery and growth. I hope the same to be true this year as I navigate postpartum life and motherhood.

9. I am valuable

I had a conservation with a friend early in 2019 about successful women and much of our discussion centered on self-value. Many times women do not believe or demonstrate their self-value in the workplace in the same ways that men do and it can impact their careers. Last year, I made a shift in the way I saw my value and it impacted my 9-5 career growth as well as my blog success. This year I keep this affirmation to continually remind myself I am valuable to my family, my friends, my employers and the community at large.

10. I have the power to inspire others through my words and actions

As I continue to grow my brand and my blog my goal remains to inspire others. This affirmation is a daily reminder that my words and actions have the power to inspire and I have a choice as to how I use that influence. This is something I am eternally grateful for.

What affirmations will be guiding you this year?


    Melisande Balleste

    January 2, 2020Reply

    👍 caption

    Patricia W Leary

    January 2, 2020Reply

    Powerful post, Anna. I am so proud of you for focusing on what’s important and taking care of yourself. If your bucket is full then you can support others around you and that includes your son and husband. You are amazing!


      January 2, 2020Reply

      Thank you so much for your support.

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