Fertility, Motherhood

Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle: Week 2 Reflections

Preparing for FET Week 2_Header

The frozen embryo transfer cycle continues. This week and last week were like night and day! Each week had it’s unique challenges but I am happy to say this week’s challenges were more physical as compared to the intense anxiety I experienced last week. I’ll take physical symptoms over emotional any day!

Focused on The Uterine Lining

After the saline ultrasound last Friday, we were in waiting mode. Waiting for my body to get the hint to start a menstrual cycle! I was SO proud of my body for cooperating and showing off a beautiful healthy uterus on Friday. The appointment left me feeling hopeful and excited for the next step. My body got the hint and I started my cycle exactly 3 days later as the doctor anticipated.  That was the sign for me to start taking estrogen pills. I will continue taking the estrogen pills until my uterine lining is at an optimal thickness for the embryo transfer. This will give us the best chance for a successful implantation.

FET Cycle_Thicken Uterine Lining :Implantation

Image Credit: inviTRA

I started taking the estrogen pills (estradiol/Estrace) on Tuesday. They are to be taken 3 times a day approximately 8 hours apart. I didn’t think much of it when I started them but I have since noticed some physical side effects linked to the hormones. Anything for the uterine lining growth ya’ll.

Grow Baby Grow_Frozen Embryo Transfer Week 2

Frozen Embryo Cycle Week 2: Reflections

How to Prepare for Frozen Embryo Transfer_Week 2

While estrogen is a naturally produced hormone, filling your body with increased amounts can cause a variety of side effects.

For me those side effects have been

  • Daily throbbing headaches
  • Fatigued and sluggish
  • Indigestion, bloating, constipation
  • Dry/irritated skin
  • Vaginal discharge (yuck!)

Hold on to any amount of hope!

After the positive saline ultrasound last week, that hope carried me through the week with inspiration

It’s OK to not be OK.

You’re doing the best you can! These feelings, fears and discomfort are temporary.

Bracing for what may come only adds stress

While I am still approaching the cycle with a realistic understanding the potential outcome, that fear no longer governs my every day. If it doesn’t work I will deal with that pain when it comes. trying to brace for that pain now, only means I have to face it twice.

Sharing my experience and fears has been helpful but it’s also scary.

What if it doesn’t work and I have 100’s of people asking me about it?! I have decided we will not share our results of the final transfer or exactly when we have it until we have had time to celebrate or grieve alone. While much of my life is public, certain things must be kept private for our well being. I absolutely want the support, but having a million people asking how it went will be too hard for us.

Frozen Embryo Cycle Week 2: What’s Helping



His extra love, attention, compassion and kindness have made all the difference for me. Though he can’t understand the physical aspect his kindness and attention help me feel less alone. From Mac: “During week 1 I was apparently anxious and stressed, but didn’t realize it so I wasn’t as aware of Anna’s emotional needs. I wasn’t as sensitive and emotionally available as she needed me to be, and I didn’t even know it. We talked and explained to each other what we needed and that was super helpful.”


My therapy session was a huge turning point last week. It had been 5 days of non-stop anxiety and after my session things started to turn around. Not only did she help me find new perspective but we reinforced the tools/resources to manage my anxiety


I have been going weekly and this time for relaxation has made a huge impact on my mental state. My acupuncturist said she could tell a huge difference in my energy from last week to this week. I was no longer a vibrating ball of stress.

Circle & Bloom Meditation program

I initially hesitated to purchase this program due to the price $60, but my parents bought it for me as a gift. While I have only been doing it for 4 nights it has been life changing. I am not new to meditation but this program is specifically tailored to the Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle, which is unique. Each day’s session is timed with where you will be at in the cycle. It is very focused on visualization and deep relaxation. While Mac and I have had a few chuckles (or more) at the language, it has truly made a huge impact for me. From Mac: the tracks continue to play even after she fall asleep so I’ve heard each track more than a few times already. I use these 20 min sessions either before bed or during my acupuncture cycle. I highly recommend checking them out if you are going through IVF, pregnancy or cancer. They have specialized programs for a variety of needs. (This is not an ad and I was not paid for this endorsement). 

Frozen Embryo Cycle Week 2: Next Steps

Next Wednesday I will have an ultrasound and bloodwork to check my hormone levels and see how my uterine lining is progressing. All my mantras and visualization are focused my uterus. I can’t say I have ever talked about my uterus so much, but hey anything for a successful frozen embryo transfer cycle. Stay tuned for more updates next week and I hope you have a WONDEFUL Thanksgiving with your friends and family.



    November 20, 2018Reply

    Go uterus go! Sending you all of the positive vibes Anna!!!


      November 20, 2018Reply

      YESSSS! Thanks so much

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